Hygiene Policy

It is KHB Policy to set, implement and maintain good standards of personal and operational hygiene to safeguard the health and wellbeing for workers. This policy will provide guidelines for procedures to be implemented at KHB operation.

To implement this Policy, KHB will:

  • Ensure suitable and appropriate standard of dress and grooming is upheld by all employees to meet infection control and safety standards.
  • As far as practicable maintain a clean environment which includes emptying the trash bin and keeping the surrounding clean. This is to minimize the spread of diseases.
  • Encourage that all households practice clean hygiene and good housekeeping, this includes living room, dining room, kitchen and toilet.
  • Supply clean water to all workplace and employees houses. This is to ensure that all employees are provided with clean water for drinking, cleaning and bath.
  • Disseminate information to all employees so that they understand the importance of proper handling food and drink. Food storage should be kept in a suitable place and also should be clean to minimize dirt and food contamination. Drinking water should be boiled beforehand.


Approved By :

Mr. Ho Sui Ting

Chief Plantation Officer

7 January 2015